The Finals: Ranking The Best Medium Weapons

The Finals Season 1 was released on December 7th, and it gave players some exciting gameplay and thrilling battles. The game offers 12 different weapons categorized as light, medium, and heavy; players can customize their loadouts for strategic advantage. This article focuses on exploring the Medium Build Weapons.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All this information about the best weapons comes from the U4gm game hub. Apart from these, you can also Buy The Finals Boosting from U4GM. They offer a wide range of products at the lowest market price and with the fastest delivery.



    FCAR is the other assault rifle option for the medium class, and it’s unlocked for 800 VRs. The FCAR offers moderate damage, proving effective in both short and medium-range battles, with a stable rate of fire at 600. In addition, FCAR advantages arise partly due to the holographic sights, which make the reticule much more visible and by extension, aiming with precision much more forgivable. The only drawback of FCAR is its meager magazine size (20 bullets), which makes reloads more frequent and each shot worth more pre-calculation. However, that does not stop the weapon from being a beast, and this gun is a solid pick for every situation.



    The AKM is an amazing pick, delivering solid damage whether you prefer close-range gameplay or engaging from a medium range. It offers versatility and quick fire, and its high magazine capacity (36 bullets) means there’s more room for error. This will bode well with both the average gamer and more seasoned FPS players. The reload speed of 2.3 seconds is not the fastest, but also not too slow so as not to leave the user vulnerable between gunfights. But its recoil pattern is hard to get familiar with since it has a decent kickback that goes back and forth between continuous firing. Secondly, the iron sights on the AKM are inferior to the scope for FCAR. These weaknesses deduct a few points from the accuracy metric of AKM, but overall, it’s a well-rounded DPS weapon that can be used in pretty much every situation.



    The R.357 is another starting weapon for the medium class, which does not require any unlocks before use. Its damage profile is relatively high. It is easier to aim with the R.357 revolver and comes with a big one to two-shot kill potential when aiming for the opponent’s head. The fairly accurate revolver favors the more calm and focused playstyle that is expected of the more expert FPS players, so it’s not recommended straightaway to beginners. The recoil is also decently high, making readjustment after each shot a challenge, so using this revolver takes some practice and experience.

    Model 1887

    Model 1887

    The Finals’ Model 1887 boasts a surprisingly good firing range for a shotgun. It exhibits remarkable accuracy and insane damage, but, as expected, it has a slow rate of fire. The Model 1887’s low magazine size of 6 pellets means the player will be frequently reloading between sessions. However, due to the reload mechanism, players can fire a pellet as soon as it is loaded into the chamber, which is a welcome alternative to waiting for the full reload animation to play out. The shotgun’s damage numbers are the highest for any weapon in the medium class, so for players who love to camp out in a cashout spot and surprise the opposition, the Model 1887 is a good option with a two-shot kill potential for light and medium, and up to three shots for heavy-class foes.


    The CL-40 is a pump-action grenade launcher for the medium class, and it’s unlocked by spending 800 VRs. Making up for its abysmal rate of fire, the CL-40 can obliterate enemies and even bring certain structures down, thanks to its destructive force. This strength makes it ideal for a crowd control approach when the opposition team rushes to steal a cashout. Players can break up the intense fighting between groups of enemies and quickly rack up kills with the CL-40. But with a magazine size of 4 rounds, every shot must be pre-calculated, and because of the projectile motion of the rounds, the aim should also be sufficiently higher than the target for optimum results. In the end, it’s for players who are willing to distance themselves from the heat of combat and yet bring heat to the battlefield.

    Riot Shield

    Riot Shield

    Players can unlock the Riot Shield for 800 VRs, and it can be utilized in two ways. Firstly, the majority of the time, players will use it for protective measures against projectiles or enemy attacks by entering the block stance. It is noteworthy to be cautious about the player’s feet, which are still exposed to enemy attacks during this stance. The second use is that of the baton that comes along with the Riot Shield. It acts as a powerful melee weapon that can eliminate light-class foes in two shots, medium-class in three shots, and heavy-class in up to five shots. But it’s a very niche weapon that is only for players with nerves of steel who are brave enough to walk into a gunfight with the Riot Shield.

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